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“The 4 S’s of Fitness” in Perimenopause

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Burning fat & increasing muscle in Perimenopause and Menopause is possible, our fitness goals won’t need to go out the window because we are changing.

The term Menopause can be scary, the end of our fertile years are around the corner, some symptoms like irregular periods are more regular. Perimenopause refers to the time when our body starts a transition to menopause, as happened during puberty, we had a transition to our first menstruation. It will be the same with the last. This transition starts at different ages, some women in their mid-30’s start to notice changes but the majority start in our 40’s. Progesterone and oestrogen levels rise and fall unevenly in our bodies, bringing some symptoms like sleep problems, vaginal and bladder issues, hot flashes, changes in sexual function, loss of bone density and changes in cholesterol levels. Some cases when the perimenopause starts earlier can be, as evidence suggests, for certain factors like low levels of fat, smoking, family history, cancer treatments, hysterectomy and endometriosis. Being fit will help reduce the symptoms, keeping a healthy and active lifestyle is going to prepare us for the years to come. We must add “The 4 S’s of Fitness” to our daily routine. A programme I have tried and designed successfully for me and for my clients consisting in: Sweat. The heart is a muscle and has to be trained as we train other muscles, also the lungs and the entire cardiovascular system has to be kept active and functioning. Doing any kind of cardio like walking, dancing (zumba), swimming or spinning will help to regulate the temperature in the body, improving hot flashes, cholesterol levels and sleep patterns.

Strength. As we age our bone density decreases and as a consequence loss of body mass begins, making us more prone to osteoporosis. Resistance training increases muscular mass and bone density, prevents the accumulation of abdominal fat, offers protection from various types of cancer, including breast, colon and endometrial cancer and type 2 diabetes. Regular strength training can help reduce body fat, burn calories more efficiently, improve sleep, sexual activity, vaginal and bladder issues, fatigue and changes in mood. Try reformer pilates and weights training, starting light and slowly progress to heavier weight training sessions.

Stretch. Improving your flexibility will avoid injuries from posture. Sitting for long periods and using our gadgets are increasing the problems on the head, neck, shoulders and lower back. Nowadays more injuries from bad postural habits are observed. Try yoga, hot yoga or pilates, these activities will help address postural problems, it stretches the muscles that are short from being in a specific position for long periods of time and will help with sexual function. Stability. Incorporating balance exercises will improve stability, prevent the risk of falls, will strengthen your core front, side and back and improve your proprioception, known as kinesthesia. This is the ability of your body to sense movement, action and location, it is present in every muscle movement you have, without it, you wouldn't be able to move. Activities such as pilates, yoga, tai chi or just simply standing on one leg while brushing your teeth will increase your balance and stability. With my online training program, from the comfort of your own home, at a time that works for you, with none or with minimal equipment, is possible, 7 days free trial visiting my page


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